Word Definition idioms and phrases
Complete spoken english course and css daily vocabulary with meaning.
1) abate v. to diminish in intensity
v. to cause to diminish in intensity
2) aberrant adj. diverging from the standard type
3) abjure v. to reject or renounce
4) abscond v. to leave secretly, evading detection
5) abstain v. to voluntarily refrain from doing something
6) acumen n. keen judgment and perception
7) admonish v. scold or to advise firmly
8) adulterate v. to contaminate or make impure by introducing inferior elements
9) advocate v. to recommend, support, or advise
n. one who advocates
10) aesthetic adj. concerned with the nature of beauty and art
11) affectation n. fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or
conceal the truth
12) aggrandize v. enlarge or increase, esp. wealth, power, reputation
13) alacrity n. promptness and eagerness
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